Saturday, January 10, 2009

Section 9: The possibility of Christ's Resurrection; and that being gained as undoubtedly true, Christ's Doctrine is evidenced

Book 1 Section 9 (p. 17):
The possibility of Christ's Resurrection; and that being gained as undoubtedly true, Christ's Doctrine is evidenced, and Christianity established.

Surely no Man can fairly deny credence to the Testimonies recited, unless he shall suppose the Resurrection of Christ to be like things which imply a contradiction, impossible to be done: which cannot be said in our case. It might indeed, if one should affirm the same Man alive and dead at the same time; But that a Dead Man should be restored to Life, by his efficacy, who at first gave Life to Man; why this should be counted impossible, there is no cause, nor have wise Men believed it impossible: For Plato hath written the same of Er the Armenian, Heraclides Ponticus of a certain Woman, Herodotus of Aristaus, Plutarch of another; which whether true or false, shew that Learned men have thought a Resurrection no impossible thing. Neither can any Man that believes there is a God, that he made the World, and is Omnipotent, with any shew of reason question the Resurrection as a thing impossible: for it must needs be every whit as easie (yea far more) to raise a Dead Man to Life, than to make the first Man, yea the whole World of Nothing.

Now if it be neither impossible for Christ to have returned to Life, and evidenced by sufficient Testimony, (whereforth the Jewish Master Bechai being convinced, acknowledged the truth thereof) and the same Christ, as both his own Followers and other Men confess, published a new Doctrine as by Divine Authority; it truly follows that the Doctrine is true, because it cannot consist, neither with the Wisdom of Justice of God, in so excellent a way to honour him who had been guilty of falshood in so great a matter, especially when he himself, before his Death, foretold his Disciples of his Death, and the kind of Death; and his Resurrection also, adding these things should come to pass for the confirmation of his Doctrine. And thus is the Christian Religion confirmed for a most sure and undoubted verity, above and beyond what can be pretended for Mahumetism, Judaism, (as now maintained by the Jews) or any other Religion whatsoever held in opposition thereunto.

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