Book 2 Part 1 Chapter 1 Section 1 (p. 35-36):
Of the Definition of Christian Religion
It is a good Rule left us by the Ancients, to regulate our Discourses, specially in things disputable, viz. That the beginning of any thing is the definition thereof. Which in the Case proposed, I take to be fitly made in these words; Religion is a holy resignation of the creature Man to the Will and Service of his Creator, the Omnipotent Commander, and the Sole Disposer of the Universe.
Some derive the word Religion from Relego, to read again; thereby intimating, that those only are Religions, who diligently consider and observe what they read. Augustine derives it from the Verb Religo, to bind; and hence Aquinus teacheth, "That all Men being Originally in God, and by Creation set, as it were, a-loof from him by the Bond of Religion, are fastned to him." And indeed we find when God had created Adam, lest now he should forget God, he had a just Law given him to oblige him to his Creator, in dutiful Obedience. Howbeit, the general Definition of Religion followed by Christian Writers, is this: "To worship God duly, as his infinite Majesty doth deserve, in regard of his Excellency and Preheminency above all things; and for the great Benefits which we have received, and do daily receive at his hand." But yet in mine Opinion, we have a more compleat definition of Religion (especially as it concerns Christianity, the Religion now to be considered) by the Apostle Paul himself, Tit. 2.11, 12, 13, 14. "The Grace of God which brings Salvation, hath appeared to all Men, teaching us, that denying Ungodliness and worldy Lusts, we should live Soberly, Righteously, and Godlily in this present Life; looking for that blessed Hope, the glorious Appearing of the great God, and our Saviour Jesus Christ: who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all Iniquity, and purifie to himself a peculiar People, zealous of good Works." In this Definition (so I call it) the Apostle layeth the Foundation of a Religious Life, and the Glory consequent to it, upon the Free Grace of God manifest to all Men, and makes Religion it self to consist, 1. In denying all Ungodliness, which comprehends all negative Sanctity. 2. In a Sober, Righteous, and Godly Life, which contains all that lies within the verge of positive Sanctity. 3. It taketh in the great duty of perseverance in Faith, and a zealous performance of Good Works till the consummation of the World. Wherefore from this Definition, I shall proceed to my proposed Subject, i.e. To shew the Nature of the Christian Religion; first, in respect of the Internal part thereof; and secondly, in respect of the External.
12 years ago
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