Book 2 Part 1 Chapter 2 Section 5 (p. 43-44)
Of the Nature and Essence of God
That the Nature, or Essence of God, is Spiritual, not Corporeal, is the subject of our present Discourse; yet certain it is, God hath spoken very briefly in his Word, concerning his Nature, or Essence. And we shall therefore as briefly as we may, not these two things, 1. That he is not Corporeal. 2. That he is a Spiritual Being. 1. Not Corporeal, because all things properly Corporeal, or which hath a Body, are Circumscriptible, or may be contained in some Place; but the Heaven of Heavens, cannot contain God, 2 Chron. 6.18. "But will God in very deed, dwell with Men upon the Earth? Behold, Heaven, and the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain thee, how much less this House which I have Built," Jer. 23.24. "Can any hide himself in secret places that I cannot see him? Do not I fill Heaven and Earth, saith the Lord?" 2. The Nature, or Essence of God, is Spiritual. Here we have our Blessed Saviour's Testimony, John 4.24. "God is a Spirit:" To which, agrees that of the Apostle, 2 Cor. 3.17. "Now the Lord is that Spirit." By this Immensity of God, and the Testimony of our Saviour, and of the holy Apostle, we are taught to think, or conceive of God, contrary to all Bodily Composition, (because no Body is capable of such Immensity) and after a very Spiritual manner; and yet when all is done that can be done, to demonstrate this Divine Being, we shall find more room to admire with Humility, than to discourse with the greatest Subtilty, for he dwelleth in that Light which no Man can approach unto. So that Augustin might well say (as he is quoted by Mr. Monk) "No where throughout the revealed Will of God, is the Truth sought out with greater Labour; no where is our finding out of the Truth fruit fuller; no where do we err with greater danger." 1 Cor. 15.34. "Some have not the knowledg of God. I speak this to your shame." For though we cannot know him now perfectly, yet may we in no case be wholly ignorant of him.
12 years ago
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