Book 2 Part 1 Chapter 1 Section 2 (p. 36-37):
Of the necessity of preferring the Internal part of Christian Religion.
How eminently necessary it is to regard the Internal Part of Religion, is apparent from Rom. 2.28, 29. "He is not a Jew that is one outwardly, neither is that Circumcision which is outward in the Flesh; But he is a Jew that is one inwardly, and Circumcision is that of the Heart in the Spirit, whose praise is not of Men, but of God." Not that the Holy Apostle, in this or any other place, either slights or rejects the External part of Religion: for, Rom. 3.1, 2. having occasion to answer an Objection, which some perhaps would make from his former words, gives even Circumcision it self, among the Jews, its due honour. "What advantage then hath the Jew, or what profit is there of Circumcision?" He answers, "Much every way, chiefly because unto them were commited the Oracles of God": Plainly shewing, That the regular way to claim the Priviledges contained in God's Oracles, is, for Men to be imbodied as his Church and Family, by the just observation of his Ordinances. Only this is most evident from the place, that where the Internal part of God's Worship is wanting, the Externals in Religion avail nothing; For the Holy Spirit makes believing with the Heart necessary unto Righteousness, as well as he makes confession with the Mouth necessary unto Salvation, Rom. 10.10. And because we thus find that the Internal part, or belief of the Heart, hath justly the precedency in Christian Religion, I shall propose this method for the more convenient demonstration thereof; discoursing,
1. Concerning the Knowledg of God, and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent.
2. Concerning the denyal of our selves, in point of fleshly Vanities; or, the true Nature of Christian Humility for Sin.
3. Concerning our conformity to Christ in the Spirit of our Minds.
4. Concerning a Christians Hope and Expectation at the appearing of Jesus Christ.
These Particulars I suppose to be comprehensive enough to give us occasion to discourse all those things which relate to the Internal part of Christianity; to which we shall (God willing) now apply our selves. And first to the first Particular.
12 years ago
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