Book 1 Section 10 (p. 17-19):
The Christian Religion excels all other Religions in the World.
The former Arguments are drawn from Matter of Fact, let us now come to those that proceed from the nature of the Doctrine. Surely either all the Worship of God is wholly to be rejected, (which he will never agree to, who believes there is a God, and such a God as hath care of the World; and who considers Man, endued both with excellent Understanding, and with Power to chuse moral Good and Evil; and therefore having in himself Matter, as of Reward, so of Punishment likewise:) or else this Religion is to be admitted, not only for the evidence of Fact, whereof we have spoken, but also for the things intrinsical, and of the very nature of the Religion it self.
Seeing no other Religion in any other Nation or Age can be produced, either more excellent in Reward, or more perfect in Precepts; or for the manner whereby it was commanded to be spread, more admirable: Or which is of greatest moment, the excellency of the High Priest, Sacrifice and Altar, pertaining to Christianity, as that by which the same is consecrated, ratified, and confirmed.
To begin with the High Priest of this Holy Profession, Christ Jesus, who greatly excells Aaron and the Priests descending from him, in respect of his Personal Excellency, being immaculate or sinless, which is not so much as pretended by any of the Priestly Tribe of Israel. For the Law maketh Men High Priests which have infirmity: but the Word of the Oath, which was since the Law, maketh the Son who is consecrated for evermore. They were sinful Men, and therefore did offer first for their own Sins, and then for the Sins of the People, and were not suffered to continued by reason of death. Our High Priest hath abolished Death, liveth ever, hath an unchangable Priesthood, Heb. 7.24. Made a Priest with an Oath, by him that swore and will not repent, Thou art a Priest for ever, &c. By so much was Jesus a Surety of a better Testament than that of the Law, as that the one is fading, and the other permanent: He is not a Minister of the Tabernacle pitched by Man, but that which the Lord pitched, being set on the right Hand of the Throne of the Majesty in the Heavens, Heb. 8.12. This is the Priest of the New Testament, Jesus the Son of God, Heb. 3.14. On this ground his Followers are encouraged in their Profession, because he is able to save to the uttermost.
Now what can be said by any Nation, Tongue, or People, since the Creation? Did any such Priest arise among the Nations? Sure it is not pretended; but the contrary is granted by consent of all Nations, by the continual interruption of their Sacrifices, by Death and other Changes. The Jews themselves pretend not that any but the Messiah can be such a Priest. It is reported of Rabbi Nathan, that being desired to expound the Scripture, Isa. 52.3, 4, 5. "He was wounded for our Transgressions", &c. Turning to the Hebrew Text, he answered, "That the Prophet spake of the Messiah"; and further said, "That the Spirit of the Messiah was present with God at the Fall of Adam and Eve, and in mercy stooped down to Man's Misery, and undertook to bear Man's Infirmity; and thereby made Reconciliation with God, and defended Man from Wrath, otherwise the World could have had no longer continuance, in regard God's Justice could not otherwise have been satisfied." Forasmuch as the Jews themselves confess the Messiah only to be the Repairer of Mankind, by stopping to Man's Mercy, and undertaking to bear Man's Infirmity, and that without this the World could not continue; It must needs follow that their High Priesthood is inferior to the High Priesthood of Christianity, upon this supposition, (which is not hard to prove) that Jesus is the Christ. And consequently that our Religion is more excellent than any other Religion whatsoever, in this respect.
12 years ago
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