Book 1 Section 2 (p. 11-12):
That it is certain Jesus once lived upon the Earth.
So uncontroulably evident is this, that Jesus the Lord of Christians, once lived upon the Earth, and that in the Land of Israel, according to the Prophecies that went before of him; that we hear not of any sort of Adversaries to Christianity that deny it, but rather grant it by deriding his Humility, or that Abject Estate wherein it pleased his Majesty to appear among Men. The Turks do not only acknowledg that such a Person there was, but they speak very Honourably of him, as being a Prophet of the Lord, and do greatly abhor the Jews for Crucifying so Holy a Man. And Josephus, a modest and eminent Writer of the Jews, who lived much about the time of the Passion of our Lord, left to Posterity a very remarkable Testimony of the Life and Death of Jesus. His words are these:
"At that time was Jesus a Wise Man, if it be lawful to call him a Man; for he was the Performer of divers admirable Works, and the Instructer of those who willingly entertained the Truth; and he drew unto him divers Jews and Greeks, to be his followers. This was Christ, being Accursed by the Princes of our Nation before Pilate, and afterwards Condemned to the Cross by him, yet did not those who followed him from the beginning, forbear to love him for the Ignominy of his Death; for he appeared unto them alive the Third Day after, according as the Divine Prophets had before Testified the same, and divers other wonderful Things of him: And from that time forward the Race of the Christians, who have derived their Name from him, hath never ceased." This being so full to our present Purpose, we shall (omitting at present the Evidence of Sacred Writ) forbear to add further Evidence from our Adversaries, of the Life of Blessed Jesus; save that we here insert the Testimony of a Heathen Writer, who describes both his Person, manner of Life and Doctrine. Namely Lentilus the Proconsul, in that Epistle written to the Roman Senate, (which goes under his Name) who residing at Jerusalem at the time of the Death of our Saviour, gives this Description of him, viz.
"At that time there was one Jesus, who was called of the Nations, the Prophet of Truth. A Man goodly to behold, having a reverend Countenance, his Stature somewhat Tall, his Hair after the colour of the ripe Hazel-Nut, and his Ears somewhat crisped, parting it self in the midst of his Head, and waving with the Wind, after the manner of the Nazarites: His Face without wrinkle, mixed with moderate Red: His Beard somewhat copious tender, and divided at the Chin: His Eyes gray, various and clear. He was in Rebuke severe, in Instruction wonderful; Merry with Gravity. He sometimes Wept, but was never seen to Laugh; in Talk full of Understanding, sparing and modest;" thus far Lentilus. It is true, none of the Evangelists have given any description of the Stature, or Features of Holy Jesus, probably he might advise them the contrary; lest when he came to be worshipped throughout many Nations, Men should erect Images to him, or basely counterfeit his Similitude, and give that Honour to the work of their own Hands, which is only due to him; who as he once lived, and was shown in Person both to Jews and Gentiles, so all Nations shall see him, and wail because of him; for though he was dead, yet now liveth for evermore.
12 years ago
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